Paul Avis

Revelation and the Word of God: Theological Foundations of the Christian Church - Volume 2

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ISBN: 9780567704160
Author : Paul Avis
Published: 2024
Publisher: T&T Clark
Number of pages: 256
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Format: 234×156
Why is revelation so elusive? What does it mean to say, as the Bible does, that God ‘speaks’ and ‘acts’? How does revelation relate to the Bible, history, religious experience and the church? A unique work of Fundamental Theology, Revelation and the Word of God explores these key issues of divine revelation as open questions. Paul Avis tackles existential and philosophical problems of revelation in the context of apologetics. Additionally, he delves into the questions of what the biblical Wisdom tradition contributes to our understanding of revelation, the self-revelation of God in mystery as well as its relational and personalist dimensions. This focused, considered book also interrogates the threefold form of the Word of God: Jesus Christ – the incarnate Word and Wisdom of God; the Scriptures that witness to him; and the church’s proclamation in preaching, sacraments and other ways. Providing pastoral and practical guidance, Avis cuts to the heart of key issues of revelation, regarding the role of hermeneutics, cultural constraints and imagination in its reception. Furthermore, he examines critiques of claimed ‘revelation’, the issue of revelation today as well as how it could relate to developments in doctrine and practice.

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