Stephen Wildish

How to Hangover

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ISBN: 9781529913675
Author : Stephen Wildish
Published: 2023
Publisher: Pop Press
Number of pages: 192
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Format: 204×136
Headache? Confusion? Waves of nausea and regret?Luckily, thanks to this handy book, a hangover no longer has to mean a ruined day.Use infographics and flowcharts to diagnose which hangover type you are suffering from and find the best treatments to help you on the road back to full health:The bottomless pitThe 'I'm still drunk'The ExorcistThe emotional boomerangThe lucky escapeThe undeservedIf you are spraying the walls with last night's kebab and this morning's Berocca, you are going to need a very big glass of water...With simple hangover cures and advice on how to tackle the clean-up (social AND physical) this book is the perfect remedy for all your 'morning after' regrets.

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