Eric Ambler

Passage of Arms

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ISBN: 9780241606186
Author : Eric Ambler
Published: 2023
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Number of pages: 272
Language: English
Format: Paperback / softback
Format: 198×129
'The man who lit the way for us all' Len DeightonAn Indian clerk, Girija Krishnan, sees the opportunity of his lifetime when he stumbles on an abandoned cache of arms hidden in the Malayan jungle. If he can sell the weapons, he will be able to achieve his lifelong dream of owning a bus company - although the penalty for gun-running is death. Soon his decision becomes the catalyst for a chain of events involving an entrepreneurial Chinese family, a corrupt Colonel and, finally, a naïve couple of American tourists who find themselves horribly out of their depth.

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