Inês Signorini

Language Practices of Cyberhate in Unfolding Global and Local Realities

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ISBN: 9781527580688
Author : Inês Signorini
Published: 2022
Number of pages: 150
Format: Hardback
This book presents six related studies that shed light on hateful speech, both verbal and multisemiotic, in a postcolonial setting relevant to countries of the Global South, such as Brazil. It offers a body of rich empirical analysis of linguistic, discursive and political-ideological data. Analytical results show how online and offline attacks and related forms of resistance occur and how they involve a complex tangle of national and international flows, intersecting and re-twining themes, narratives, and images in the public arena. Thereby, the book provides insights into how disruptive global flows fuse and transform local flows into tangled and fluid glocal issues, as shown in the sexist and misogynist violence that permeates political-ideological struggles in contemporary Brazil and beyond.

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