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- Physical Therapy and Massage for the Horse: Biomechanics-Ex
Jean-Marie Denoix
Physical Therapy and Massage for the Horse: Biomechanics-Ex
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ISBN: 9781840761610
Author : Jean-Marie Denoix
Published: 2001
Publisher: Manson Publishing
Number of pages: 224
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Author : Jean-Marie Denoix
Published: 2001
Publisher: Manson Publishing
Number of pages: 224
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Full price:
41.00 €
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This is an expanded and updated edition of a bestselling book. The author, a world leader in equine anatomy and imaging, and a horse physiotherapist of international repute, provides a unique blend of basic biomechanics and practical physical therapeutic techniques, to relieve pain and improve performance, particularly in the sporting horse. The new edition has been restructured with a new chapter on mobiliisation and stretching, along with 61 new illustrations. This highly original book will be of interest to all those involved in equine welfare including veterinary practitioners, veterinary students, therapists, horse owners, riders and trainers.
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